Argentina unveils wind-powered building

Just imagine being a wind-powered home? Strange enough for us, but not for the residents of Mar del Plata in Argentina that will have its first wind-powered building, run entirely on wind power, without a slight use of thermal energy. What a great advancement, especially keeping in mind the current atmospheric profile of the earth, which is full of greenhouse gases emitted by coal and thermal resources.

Not only will the building run on wind energy but also save it for future use, for days without wind. A building zooming with ventilation and windmill over its head is the brainchild of two young entrepreneurs and designed by Mariani-Perez Maraviglia. The inhabitants of the wind-powered building will be able to save 15% of the expenses that they earlier used to incur on thermal energy. This way helping themselves save their hard-earned money and also doing a grand favor to the environment, which is sulking under the strain of global warming.


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